Download page
Develpment documentation
System requirements:
· Any Intel Mac with Bluetooth capabilities
· 2 x Nintendo Wii Remotes
· Java runtime environment (JRE)
· Osculator application
· WiiMix application
The WiiMix is a new software package which allows DJ's and music fan's to mix their music collections using a pair of Wiimotes. The software gives you access to two turntables and a mixer which are made to respond as closely as possible to the real deal. It is free to use and can be downloaded from our 'Download' section on this site. The system requirements can also be found in this section. Please feel free to try it out and give us feedback by emailing us via the 'Contact' section of the site.
......................The WiiMix Team
Matthew Pierce
Adam Hill
Kun Fu
Chen, Chia-Wei
Project Supervisor:
Yann Seznec